

The Royal Palace of Brussels in Belgium

The Royal Palace of Brussels is the most imposing building in the capital city of Brussels, Belgium. It is called in French language as Palais Royal de Bruxelles and is the official palace of the King of the Belgians. It was modified by King Leopold II in 1904. It is located in front of Brussels Park where we also had the chance to sit and relax.

a lion statue in front of the Palace fence.
These images were taken during our visit last August 2010.

the beautiful garden in front of the palace.

The palace is situated in front of Brussels Park. A long square called the Paleizenplein/Place des Palais separates the palace from the park. The middle axis of the park marks both the middle peristyle of the palace and the middle of the facing building on the other side of the park, which is the Palace of the Nation (the Belgian Federal Parliament building). The two facing buildings are said to symbolize Belgium's system of government: a constitutional monarchy.

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