

The Fountain in Monte Carlo

My friend's daughter who was with us during our trip to Monaco last spring time told me that if ever she has a choice, she wants to live in Monaco. She was amazed by the beauty of the place especially that it is located along the waters. If I have the choice and the chance, I want to live there!

Here is the fountain situated in front of the famous casino in Monte Carlo. It is a privileged to visit and see this place. I wish to go inside the casino in my next visit.

This blog is joining for the first time these lovely memes below.


Photo Cache said...

great shot.

long time no see on the blogosphere. where have you been?

Patrice said...

Gorgeous fountain!

framelessworld said...

Hi Ruby, I envy you much.. Europe is one of my dream destinations. Hope to see this fountain of Monte Carlo someday. :)p

Unknown said...

with monaco's grand elegance and charming beauty, it is no wonder the place is synonymous to grace kelly.