

Linderhof Palace in Bavaria, Germany

This is one of the favorite palaces I visited in Germany. Linderhof Palace was commissioned by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. It is so far the smallest of the three palaces he built. What I love most is the location of Linderhof. The scenery around is breath-taking, with hills and mountains, forest, gardens and a little lake nearby.

We had the chance to go inside the palace. Sad to say, no pictures are allowed to take inside. I admired everything I saw inside especially the never ending avenue reflected by the Hall of Mirrors. The Audience Chamber, the dining room and the bedchamber are also amazing.

The water parterre in front of the castle is dominated by a large basin with the gilt fountain group "Flora and puttos". The fountain itself is nearly 25 meters high.


Claremont First Ward said...

Oh the treasures you have in Europe...

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful waterpool.

Welcome back to NF Waters on Monday evening :)

Anonymous said...

Stunning scenery!